There's much to said about this virtue. It has been said of in the scriptures "You should be clever as wolves and gentle as a lamb." Can you imagine this virtue being in you? Don't be overwhelmed with the principles of arrogrance and hatred; and do not let it overcast over you to have a footstool to bellow out in rage! Particular the rage where you will want to fight back where you'll hurt others, or cause them harm.
The practice of this virtue begins inside yourself. You have to desire this virtue, work toward having it--and then adminstering it in every day living. Gentle talk, gentle walk, gentle touch, and gentle personality. It's too bad if the persons we deal with everyday do not possess the wonderful virtue of being gentle. But..don't let that keep you from being a gentle human being.
To be a gentle soul is showing genuine caring and of course seeing with eyes of gentleness we are also able to be clever in obserations of situations that come to us. Whether the situations are explosive or mild, we will display a virtue that will keep them at bay. Don't argue un-nessarily and don't hold on to thoughts that will cause any reaction but a gentle one. Yes, there are times you'll be inclined to signal a reaction of negativity, but before you go far with it, think of the gentle way to handle it before acting. It's like the lamb, gentle but knowing his master will be there to protect him from wolves who seek to destroy him. The Shepard that always keep watch over his sheep.
Little Lamb, Little Lamb, Little innocent Lamb.
Gentle always..
Posted By: MIISRAEL Bride
Friday, November 6th 2009 at 11:04AM
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