That they should believe a lie..
For by love are the chosen saved and for their belief in truth. Today, you will find that the mystery of wickedness is far revealed in the iniquities and ungodly things of men filled in the earth. The acts are daily corruptions and deceitful matters of lies. These are the characteristics of the wicked and dark hearts of men. Many men are come but are angels of the depths of evil; and in them no light is known. Therefore, we whom are not those from darkness are in the light know their mysteries and their delusions are to betrayal to all who will follow after them.
The Light of God shall destroy the darkness and the one with the lies of power and wonders. For their ways of evil those who did not or will not believe the truth of Jesus shall perish because they enjoyed the pleasures of the unrighteousness. These did not receive the love of the truth, be rather pleasing their eyes and works with ungodly things. It is written in the WORD they shall be damned and shall be consumed with the Spirit of God’s mouth for the Light of the Lord is coming that they shall be destroyed.
Let us who love now…being thankful always to God for his great love. From the beginning through sanctification the chosen received the salvation of the Spirit and the belief of the truth. Originated by the Lord Jesus Christ we should stand fast and hold to him, either by WORD, or by our epistle. God will send a “strong delusion” for the darkness, but those enriched with the Word and Truth shall be forever in the brightness of eternal life and light unto our souls. Enrichments from the Word are the knowledge of what is true and what is true endures forever without end.
For the mystery of iniquity doth already work:
only he who letteth will let, until he is taken
out of the way..
And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom
The Lord shall consume with spirit of his mouth,
And destroy with the brightness of his coming.
Even him, who’s coming is after the working
of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them
that perish; because they received not the “Love” of the
The truth that they might be saved….
And for this cause…..
God shall send them strong delusion that they should
believe a lie.
[2 Thessalonians 2: 7-11]
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Posted By: MIISRAEL Bride
Saturday, December 11th 2010 at 9:43AM
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