''Fairmount,' Terror In The Park
Gregory V. Boulware
https://gvb1210mine.wordpress.com/2015/01/... "I didn't want to see a photo of the body. I know it's bogus,” According to the biased reporter who stands with the status quo of city officials.
This bestselling novel has 31 chapters to the conclusion. To the author’s discretion.
The ranger walked to the other side of the drive and bent over to see the mark of something on a patch of rhododendrons. He could not believe what he was starring at. The boy’s body was not only twisted from the fall, he was mutilated. The entire left side torso of his body was missing. The horrified look on his face was a dead giveaway to the other investigators. They wondered what it was that scared the ranger.
“Captain Willice Samuel” stood looking over the edge of the cliff, peering down onto the East river Drive. The screaming sirens of emergency vehicles filled the normally quiet environment of park life.
''We were sitting there concentrating when, a few seconds later, he pops up right in front of us, about 10 yards away and he was coming toward us,'' A tracker said. ''I don't know if the wind was in our favor or what. We were dressed in camouflage. It might not have seen us.''
My name is Salestian Michaels. I’m currently employed by the ‘Philadelphia Sunny Globe Newspaper Organization and International News Network.’ I was born and raised in South Philly, the heart and soul of ‘Mafiosi Life.’ Angel Brondidi and Nick the Needle ran it all when they weren’t at odds with one another.
I was there when Captain Willis Samuel and National Forestry Service Ranger Commander Gerald Glenn confronted and eradicated the monster beast in the park. I didn’t like Glenn very much, although I admired him. He was damn good at what he did. It was his woman that I liked…loved and wanted.
https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7237... ~”FAIRMOUNT”~
The Series – Part 1
‘Strawberry Mansion’
Gregory V. Boulware
https://gvb1210mine.wordpress.com/2015/01/... “The Horror of It All…!”
https://comingsoonthehorrorofitall.blogspo... ~ 'Willice Samuel Investigations, The Series' ~
http://escapeintotheword.connectplatform.c... ‘Amazon’
Posted By: Gregory V. Boulware, Esq.
Saturday, September 28th 2024 at 5:05PM
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