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'Willis' - Fairmount Pt.2 (468 hits)


"The Willice Samuel Investigations, Philly Division"
Gregory V. Boulware

Willice crawled into bed with his wife, Elizabeth. He’d been working all day and late into the night, racking up a grand total of 18 straight hours. It was a hot and sweltering night in “Mount Airy.” Summertime in Philly can be a deadly killer.

“Yo man, all I wanted you to do was to move your ****in car so that I could get out!”

The mobster replied, “**** You! I’ll move it when I’m ready…and I’m not quite ready, so take your best shot pal!”

The foolish man obeyed the suggestion and swung hard with his right fist. He attempted to hit the left side of the made-man’s face. He missed when the mobster took a quick lean back and recoiled with a barrage of deadly blows.

He hit the angry man squarely on the right side of his jaw. He then punched the man right on the point of his chin with a straight right, sending him out through the glass doors, into the street. Returning to his feet, the injured and dazed fellow hit the outside wall of the bar wall with a loud thud and fell down face first onto the concrete sidewalk from the blow of another pulverizing punch. Picking himself up from the ground proved to be a daunting task. His face and nose were bloodied from the punch and fall. In the attempt to get up, the man was struck again. The mobster kicked him viciously in the stomach. The man groaned in agony. The mobster was geared up to stomp on the man’s groin area when...

‘Willice Samuel Investigations, The Series’ Pt.1 ~“A Four Cornered Phling”~


'Fairmount' on 'Amazon'


Posted By: Gregory V. Boulware, Esq.
Saturday, September 28th 2024 at 5:29PM
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