Mega Live Radio 7
Founder: Reginald Culpepper
we are a 24 hour global gospel radio station that will encourage, inspire, promote, uplift you to your next new level in god. to promote your gifts and talents , interviews are available to network your business or ministry. you ...
Obedience Is Not For Wimps
Founder: William Franklin
this group is revolutionary in its purpose. we want to inspire christians to a greater level of obedience by daring them to obey god's commandments. through this grassroot effort, we hope to start a new trend of obedience to our l...
Goddesses Blessing Goddesses
Founder: Min.Dr.LaDonna Blaylock D.D.
awaken the goddess in you ! discover who you truely are, and travel beyond your mind through enlightenment,enhance your current belief and become empowered !
through this process,we can address issues of women,our youth, and othe...
My Word Of Faith/ Faith Christian Center
Founder: Reginald Culpepper
many churches (impact 7 and beyond) are covering the globe in search for souls. i was led to this page from an author (don't remember who) that brought this page to my attention.
there are so many "creative" people in the body...
Theologians That Love to Write
Founder: Reginald Culpepper
A group for Theologians that are also authors or aspire to do so.
I love my spouse! (I really do)
Founder: Reginald Culpepper
What are some things we can do as married couples to keep us in love with eachother?
Homosexuality in the church
Founder: Robin Shipman
In this group we will discuss the different issues surrounding homosexuality in the body of Christ and why the church has to take a different approach to help those who want deliverance.
Beyond the Closet Door, Christ's Rescue from Abuse
Founder: Reginald Culpepper
child abuse is a everyday occurance in the united states. in 2007 alone over 800,000 children suffered some form of abuse. well these children grow up and still carry the baggage associated with abuse. this group is for victims ...