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Anyway you bless me (1419 hits)

I remember back some years ago, when I was a member in the choir at my church. We used to sing this song from Hezekiah Walker, entitled; "Any way you bless me". A portion of the chorus went like this, "Anyway you bless me, I'll be satisfied". This really got me to thinking about my life, and some of you probably will be able to relate. I constantly say Lord bless me with this, Lord bless me with that. I am constantly asking God to bless me with something that I have a want for. And I realize that on occasions God has blessed me with whatever I asked for. But my issue here is that sometimes I am taking for granted God and all that he means to me. I ask God for things because I know that God can supply. But what if for once, I went to God and said God anyway you bless me, I'll be satisfied.

Instead of asking to be a millionaire, what if you said; Anyway you bless me, I'll be satisfied?
Instead of asking for a new Mercedes or Bmw, what if you said; Anyway you bless me, I'll be satisfied? A Toyota or Ford will do.
Instead of searching for your dream home, what if you said; Anyway you bless me, I'll be satisfied? A nice roof over my head will do.

Know this that whatever God blesses you with, I guarantee you will be satisfied. Any blessing you receive, no matter small or big, you will be satisfied. Think to the times, when you asked God for something, and he gave you something else instead. You might have thought this is not what I asked for, but it will do. You see God knows our wants and he knows our needs. If we could just stop asking for our wants and concentrate our needs, anyway he blesses us will be satisfying.

Do me a favor when you awake every morning simply say, "Lord anyway you bless me, I'll be satisfied". Then watch the way God will begin to move in your life. I can't promise anything, but I know someone who can. I can't promise that you your life will easy, he never said it would; but I do know that God will never leave you nor forsake you. Trust in him, he will never let you down. Know that anyway he blesses you, you will be satisfied.

"Remember God first, and the world last"
Posted By: Bryan Patton
Wednesday, December 3rd 2008 at 11:11PM
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