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This Christmas Season (1943 hits)

I get so happy knowing that my daughter has a yearning to know of Jesus Christ. We talk on a constant basis, about the true meaning of Christmas. My daughter is so cute, she wants to make a cake for Jesus in the shape of a heart all because she loves him. Now ain't that a trip, she wants to make a heart-shaped cake for Jesus all because she loves him. Not because she can have whatever she wants, not because she has a roof over her head, not because she has a car to ride in, but because she loves him. I asked her why does she love Jesus, and she told me, because he loves her. "And a child shall lead them." My daughter is a great big reason why I write, if she love Jesus because Jesus loves her, if she wants to bake Jesus a cake to show her love, then I can write, just because. Jesus has done more for me in my 31 years of living, than he has in her 4 years of living. But she can just love him because he loved her. We can learn a lot from our children if we actually took the time out to listen to them. The eyes they view this world through has not been corrupted like ours have. We have allowed this world to dictate how we are to show ourselves before God. I know not having enough money, I know not being employed, I know how it is being scared, but I also know being loved by God.

God said that he would never leave me nor forsake me, and when those times come where it feels I am going through by myself; God is there waiting to catch me as soon as I fall. Our relief is right over the horizon, our joy will come in the morning; we just have to hold on until it comes. I am still learning to live life like a mustard seed, where my faith can move mountains. You see as kids, we have that mustard seed faith already built in, but as we grow, we allow bills, we allow unemployment, we allow our excuses to build walls over that faith, and when it comes time for us to believe for us to have faith, no sledgehammer is available. That brick wall that we used all our might to put up, wont come down with no huffing and puffing. It will take a whole lot more than just some wishful thinking.

God is calling us for something so powerful, something so grand; he placed inside of us a gift that we are to allow to be nurtured, but we are letting the gifts wither away. Think about kids on Christmas morning, when they open their gifts; they are already contemplating ways to use their gifts to their fullest capabilities. But when we are blessed with the gifts, gifts from God that is; we tend to worry even before we start to use the gifts. It's as if we really do not appreciate God for even giving us the gifts in the first place; like God made a mistake with his giving. We need to stop being ungrateful and selfish, and learn to appreciate the good that God sees in us. I appreciate God for blessing me with the gift to write, even if I only get one reader a month, I know I am doing what God has called me to do.

Appreciate your gifts, utilize your gifts to their fullest capabilities. Never let them wander far from your heart. Go back to when you were a child on Christmas morning opening up and anticipating playing with the gifts that were under the tree. God is calling you, he is calling me, do not let the call go to voice mail. Answer and be prepared, "for the race is not given to the swift or to the strong, but to the one that endureth to the end."

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Remember God first, and the world last!
Posted By: Bryan Patton
Sunday, December 14th 2008 at 7:27PM
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