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~ 'RANGER' ~ (7327 hits)


~ 'RANGER' ~
Gregory V. Boulware

The legacy of Juneteenth is not just one of celebration and freedom. Juneteenth also recognizes a legacy of the U.S. government's broken promises and dereliction of duty to Black people. This legacy rarely ever punished police for the many murders of Black people. We see it in systems of white supremacy which continue to deny Black people equal housing, equal employment, equal health care, equal education, and so much more. Would there be more 'Lynchings, Black-Body-Burnings, and Shootings if not for today's technology and the ownership of millions, if not trillions of 'Cell-Phone-Owners and Users' World-Wide, capturing these evil-doings by so many "Evil-Doers?" Even with these 'IT' abilities, accountability is a very highly elusive exercise; if not many individuals who happen to be white would most certainly be prosecuted and convicted. However, there was one case were a Black Man was able to avoid prosecution by law enforcement. This individual happened to also be a high ranking Philadelphia Cop who was caught on cell-phone-video striking and knocking to the ground, a 'Latino Woman.' He said she threw something at him and hit him in the face. The video showed a different story.

George Perry Floyd Jr. (October 14, 1973 – May 25, 2020) was an African American man murdered by a police officer during an arrest after a store clerk suspected he may have used a counterfeit $20 bill in Minneapolis. Black people have faced rampant and often violent voter suppression ever since we were "freed" and given the right to vote. Yet Senate Republicans keep gaslighting us by claiming that since Black voter turnout was high in 2020, that since brilliant, innovative organizers were able to help communities overcome barriers to voting, that those barriers don't exist.

As contemporary Native American religious flowerings are best understood by first examining the origins of Native American Spirituality, all of the contemporary sects are best comprehended in light of the traditional religions. As these differ from their New Age and Christian versions, each group is also unique compared to other traditional sects. These traditional sects are best understood as a conglomerate by investigating a few individual traditional Native American religions.

The only lynching to occur in Delaware happened in Wilmington in 1903. Normally when you think of lynching you think of hanging but the definition of the word is an illegal execution carried out by a mob, often by hanging, but also by burning at the stake or shooting. The term lynching probably derived from the name Charles Lynch (1736-96), a justice of the peace who administered rough justice in Virginia. But none of those fine nuances probably went thru George F. White’s head the night he was roped and bounded and thrown into a fire to burn to death.

Community members are outraged after a high school team experienced blatant racism during a championship game Saturday. The game took place between Orange Glen High School and Coronado High School in California. After the game, which Coronado won, Orange Glen Head Coach Chris Featherly said Coronado Head Coach J.D. Laaperi made disrespectful remarks toward both him and his players, but that’s not all. Coronado supporters took the sports rivalry to another level when they threw tortillas at Orange Glen players, who are mostly Latino, The San Diego Union-Tribune reported.

"Given the history of racism and consistent racist acts school members have committed in sports, advocates believe if the behavior is not punished, it will continue."

Native American tribes did not call their medicine people "Shamans." This is a New Age term often misapplied to Native American Spiritual Leaders by people of European descent, self-professed "medicine" people and their followers. The medicine men and priests among the Indians were usually merely those men who thought more deeply and strenuously than the average men in the tribe.

Chief Gerald Glenn, the Medicine Man, was second only to the chief in importance and standing within his tribal group. His duties involved both religious interpretations and pharmacology. A good medicine man became adept at both and as a result, he was often thought of as one who possessed magical powers. Before William Penn’s holy experiment, human impact in the Pocono Mountains by Native Americans and European settlers was minimal.

The Pennsylvania Mountains was one of the last colonies to be settled in the northern region of the state. The region remained wilderness until pressure from European settlers caused and influx of Native Americans from Maryland and the Carolinas’. Glenn, a direct descendent of the Lenape Chieftain of the Penn and Lenape Peace Treaty, 1682, Chief Tammany who died in 1718, was his great-great-grandfather. His wife, a Huron Princess, reared sons who took over as Chief of Nations along the Delaware Water Gap. They lived in peace with the residents of Stroudsburg, founded by Jacob Stroud in 1799.

The villages of the mountains raised buckwheat and rye, a big crop with potatoes, maze, oats, cattle, sheep, and hogs. Chief of his village as well as Chief of the Northeastern regional Forestry and Parks Services, Ranger Captain Glenn; like his people, are also members of the Northwestern Indian Confederacy in the Mountains of Pennsylvania, New York, and Canada. The tribal members are The Cree, The Creek, The Ottawa, The Seminole, The Huron, The Cherokee, The Algonquian, The Ojibwa, The Shawnee, and The Lenape Nations. Glenn continues his leadership in the protection of his people, their land, their tribal beliefs, and their heritage. Glenn’s mother was of Creek/Seminole descent while his father was the Tribal Chief of The Shawnee-Lenape (Munsee-Minisink) of Ontario Canada and the Poconos.

Glenn, a strikingly tall, slender, well muscled, powerful man of more than 6ft. in height, was requested by officials to assist the Philadelphia Fairmount Park Commission and its' staff of Park Rangers, on a case to which he has the greatest expertise, big game and bears. There were rumors of an enormous beast roaming about. Several of the parks' city rangers were tight-lipped about some of the strange things that have recently been discovered in the area. Expensive shrubbery and some of the exotic plants were destroyed along with missing wildlife as well. These happenings were occurring a few weeks before the North Philadelphia boys were attacked. On that day is when he and Captain Samuel Willis were first introduced. The introduction was one of an informal atmosphere. The day of their meeting began with that awful and unfortunate fatal attack in 'Fairmount Park,' atop the hill on "Strawberry Mansion Drive."

Fear was the factor in their meeting atop that hill, that particular day. His was an expertise of rare quality. No one knew bears and wildlife the way he did. This ranger could tell what kind of animal, plant, or bug that ever left a trace of anything, anywhere. He was a natural for his job. He was one of a kind. He was...is the best of the best. Gerald Glenn was not a city boy, albeit his educational endeavors and early work environment began in the brick and mortar jungle of mayhem, danger, and deceit. When the opportunity arrived, and allowed him to work out in the "great-outdoors," mostly in park-lands, fields, streams, lakes, rivers, and mountainous regions. He loved it. Gerald didn't study nature or the natural habitat in college. He was a natural. After all, he did grow up in the Pocono Mountain part of the state. His tenure in Alaska came about when another opportunity of animal complaint and an invitation to investigate crossed his career path. Bear attacks were not necessarily common-place in the Yukon, but they did occur. They were mostly caused by man-made carelessness. Learning to navigate and travel in those types of terrain were exactly what The Ranger craved. Some would say that he was anti-social. Gerald Glenn simply didn't like the bull**** that man and his hypocritical way of life had to offer. Animals, according to the ranger, didn't go around killing each other just for the sake of killing. They had purpose to their natural order of life. They only killed when they needed to eat or defend themselves. Man killed for the sport of it, hypocrisy, jealousy, and/or selfishness were the culprits...the children of Mammon.

Gerald Glenn, Genailia Francis, and Willice Samuel walked through the patch of rhododendron and azalea bushes to examine the grassy spot near the Strawberry Mansion Bridge. Ranger Glenn removed the sample of plant leaf and soil from a plastic bag while pointing to the spot he had examined during the initial search around the cherry blossom tree. Professor Vernon Rockford entered the hunt alongside the team a wee bit later. The paw-print, nearly gone after being exposed for more than ten days, gave Francis and Samuel a fright. Now the captain knew why the ranger had that strange look on his face the day the boys were attacked. “Damn, do they actually grow to be that big?” The ranger gave Willis a look, and answered, "You'd better know it! In the Yukon, they grow bigger than that."

The regatta has been held annually on the Schuylkill River in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, since 1953. The Dad Vail Regatta is the largest regular intercollegiate rowing event in the United States, drawing over a hundred colleges and universities from North America. It was renamed the Aberdeen Dad Vail Regatta in 2010 for new sponsor Aberdeen Asset Management, a Scottish investment firm whose U.S. operations are headquartered in Center City Philadelphia. A regatta is a series of boat races. The term typically describes racing events of rowed or sailed water craft, although some powerboat race series are also called regattas. A regatta often includes social and promotional activities which surround the racing event, and except in the case of boat type (or “class”) championships, is usually named for the town or venue where the event takes place. Oh yes, this major event wasn't exempt from this invasion of the monster bruins.

On that memorable day, Captain Willice Samuel; just before meeting his new life-long friend; stood looking over the edge of the cliff, peering down onto the East river Drive. The screaming sirens of emergency vehicles filled the normally quiet environment of park life. Speeding past the stopped traffic below, the EMR vehicles made their way up the hill to the spot where the kids were playing. The Strawberry Mansion Bridge was at a stand-still as was the East River Drive traffic. Nothing and no one was being allowed to move through the area. Traffic backed up all over. Ridge Avenue was being over-run with the over flow of rush hour traffic. Both river drives, East and West, were backed up in the East Falls area of Midvale Avenue into Henry Avenue. The downtown out bound traffic was a mess. The local news on automobile radios reported the traffic mess as an accident in the park.

Willice Samuel’s family arrived up North from Georgia by way of Winnsboro, South Carolina. The family settled in Coatesville Pennsylvania, in or about April 1911.

Willice’s Great-Great Grandfather talked about a lynching and burned at the stake murder of a Black Man by a mob of white men who wore masks. He said the Black Man; named Zachariah Walker was accused of shooting to death a white cop; named Edgar Rice. He was supposed to have been a special police officer in Coatesville.

He went on to say, “The Colored Man was chased and treed in the woods in or near the Robert Faddis Woods near Youngsburg. The Black Man tried to shoot himself in the head, but failed. They took the Black Man to the hospital were his injuries were treated. A gang of white men broke the window in the main hallway, corralled the police officer guarding him and dragged the Black Man from his sick bed to the Sarah Jane Newland Farm just to the right of the road and almost directly opposite the farmhouse. In a grass field about fifty feet from the road, they gathered dried Chestnut Rails and old fencing to build a fire. It took all of three minutes to get the fire up to a height of ten feet or more. They asked him if he had any last words…he didn’t. He was then thrown into the fire. The flames burned his clothes and seared his flesh – he managed to leap from the fire-pile and jump over a fence. They caught him and tied a rope around his neck and dragged him back onto the burning fire. Walker tried two more times to get out of the bonfire. He tried to get out of the seething furnace of hell. But he was beaten and pulled back on the burning pile with each try.”

Great-Great-Grandpa continued on with the graphic details. “The sickening smell of burning flesh permeated the air. Folks came from all around to see and take pictures of the burning Black Man. They laughed and drank liquor. Their children had fun too. This all happened on or around Saturday April 12, 1911…we packed and moved to Philadelphia.” The Willice’s are descendants of America’s lucrative Industry of Black Slavery.

Seventeen-year-old Helen S. Bishop (a white woman) was robbed, raped, and had her throat cut by someone. Helen Bishop was the daughter of Rev. Dr. Elwell and Clara Bishop. On June 15th, 1903 the police arrested George F. White an ex-convict and a Black man for the assault. On June 16th Helen Bishop died of her injuries, the coroner’s return of a death report put the cause of death as “ Shock Caused By Maltreatment.” George White was moved to the newly built workhouse in Price Corners. The public was inflamed over the girl death and demanded an immediate trial for George White.

The Sunday, June 21st, Sermon of the Reverend Robert A. Elwood (Wilmington Olivet Presbyterian Church) was a fiery one in which he showed blood-stained leaves from the site of Helen Bishop’s assault. He called for swift justice. Ellwood had came to Wilmington in 1899 and assumed the pastorate of the Olivet Presbyterian Church. He was known for his sensational methods in delivering sermons etc. at one time he was involved in charges of doing violence to church law but was acquitted on trial by the New Castle Presbytery.

Ellwood would say afterwards; “I am very sorry it happened as it did. I believe the man should have had a legal trial, but I also believe that he should have had a speedy trial. The lesson we can learn from last night’s outbreak is that people are tired of the delays of the law.”

On June 22nd at 10pm there was an attack by several thousand people on the New Castle County workhouse. This was at a time when Wilmington had about 11,000 people of which 70% was white. The police knew it was coming and reinforced the workhouse staff. They attempted to repel the attackers with water hoses and shooting over their heads. In the mob was 15 year old Peter Smith. He was hit in the back with a bullet and died on June 24th from the wound. He was the son of Michael and Fannie Smith.

The mob broke into the workhouse and took George White from his cell. They tied him up and took him back to the scene where Helen Bishop was killed. He gave a confession that he cut the throat of Helen Bishop. He was tied to a stake and a fire was started. He broke loose at least once when the fire had burnt the ropes on his legs and he was caught, beat, and thrown back in the fire. It was over with by 2 AM. The fire could be seen from the porch of Helen Bishop’s parents.

The next day thousands of people visited the scene of the lynching. Some sifted thru the ashes for relics ranging from bones to a foot to pieces of burnt wood. The coroner visited the scene and picked up the largest parts which was a small portion of the trunk and a couple of charred bones.

Most people involved started the excuse process the day after the lynching; Judges said they couldn’t have done a speedy trial. The Police said they couldn’t stop several thousand people from breaking into the work house. Everyone said the leaders of the Lynching were from out of state, not us. In general, Delaware said it was an unfortunate circumstance.

The mother of Helen Bishop, Clara, would die due to the shock of the event within the next couple of years."

In another racial incident; community members are outraged after a high school team experienced blatant racism during a championship game Saturday. The game took place between Orange Glen High School and Coronado High School in California. After the game, which Coronado won, Orange Glen Head Coach Chris Featherly said Coronado Head Coach J.D. Laaperi made disrespectful remarks toward both him and his players, but that’s not all. Coronado supporters took the sports rivalry to another level when they threw tortillas at Orange Glen players, who are mostly Latino, The San Diego Union-Tribune reported.

Videos shared on social media depict at least two players from Coronado, a predominantly white school, throwing tortillas. According to The San Diego Union-Tribune, witnesses shared that there were several heated moments on and off the court during the game that preceded the tortilla incident. While the school board and school district discussed disciplinary action against the students involved in the tortilla throwing Tuesday, no action against them was taken The San Diego Union-Tribune reported. Instead, Laaperi, the head coach of the team that threw the tortillas was fired. Further comments on the incident, what action will be taken, and whether or not the incident will be deemed racist have not been made at this time. Members of the Orange Glen team, specifically the Latino players, were extremely disturbed, Orange Glen Assistant Coach Lizardo Reynoso told CBS San Diego. "They understand that there's a lot of racism and hate going on today, but to top that off with a defeat after working so hard all year, it's like a slap in the face," Reynoso said.

The school district has since apologized, but that doesn’t make the experience any better for the students and those who attended the game. "The Trustees of the Coronado Unified School District acknowledge these acts to be egregious, demeaning and disrespectful," the district said in a letter to Orange Glen Monday. The letter continued by noting that the trustees condemned "the racism, classism and colorism which fueled the actions of the perpetrators."

The California Interscholastic Federation (CIF) also issued a statement noting that it would work with both schools to address the matter and take the “appropriate next steps.”

The Escondido Union High School District where Orange Glen is located also said it has been in contact with the Coronado Unified School District regarding what actions will be taken against those involved. The school boards plan to meet Tuesday to discuss the matter.

“Unfortunately a community member brought tortillas and distributed them which was unacceptable and racist in nature,” Laaperi said on Twitter. “I do not condone this behavior. Coronado High School does not condone this behavior and is already taking appropriate action.”

According to the Coronado Police Department, which was called to help clear the gym after the game, a man was identified as the individual responsible for bringing the tortillas to the game. “We are extremely disturbed by the behavior of some of those attending last night’s basketball game. Their actions are completely unacceptable,” the department said in a statement. Investigations into the incident are ongoing. While the school district vowed to take action and apologized for the incident, not every member of Coronado's team believed the incident was wrong. The Chicano Federation shared an Instagram post by a Coronado High School basketball account that claimed the tortilla toss is not racist but known as a tradition at other schools. The since-deleted post compared tossing tortillas at players to tossing confetti.

According to a statement by the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), this ideology is shared by members of the Coronado Parent-Teacher-Organization (PTO) Facebook who claimed that “throwing tortillas is like heaving ‘Frisbees’ or ‘graduation caps’ into the air as a ‘celebratory action’.”

“Coronado supporters are trying to play the victim here saying the reaction to the tortilla tossing is ‘extremely upsetting’ to them. Try walking in the shoes of those struck by their projectiles,” the statement issued by LULAC National President Domingo Garcia continued. The incident comes as the third of its kind that has been condemned as racist in San Diego County high school sports. Last year racist photos of students were circulated, with some depicting players holding up gang signs. In 2019, another incident occurred in which students from the football team were taunted with racial slurs, The San Diego Union-Tribune reported.

“We should have universal condemnation of this activity,” Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez-Fletcher said on Twitter while sharing her own daughter’s experience of racism as a student-athlete. Parents in SD County know that racist taunts against latino athletes are too commonplace. It’s time to stop it.

“Teach your kids not to be racist,” she continued. “Tortillas are for eating, not throwing.” Gonzalez-Fletcher also called for CIF officials to strip the school of its championship.

Others shared similar sentiments, including the California Latino Legislative Caucus leadership, which issued a statement Monday noting that “there must be consequences … We call on CIF to take strong action to hold the responsible students and school accountable for these hateful, violating acts,” the statement said.

Given the history of racism and consistent racist acts school members have committed in sports, advocates believe if the behavior is not punished, it will continue.

“Action needs to be taken, and I think the action should be that Coronado should forfeit that game,” Social justice advocate Enrique Morones said. “These hate acts, they got to be called out. We cannot accept it. These are young people. They obviously have been influenced maybe by their parents or their friends, and we got to call it out.

“If people find out exactly what happened, I believe that the majority of the community will be against these types of actions,” Morones said.

Ranger Gerald Glenn had a felling that something was wrong in Philadelphia. Something was wrong with his friend...he made arrangements to get back to Philly. While packing, the telephone rang. It was 'Elizabeth,' Willices' wife. Willice was in the hospital, he'd been shot. The Ranger packed with an overwhelming sense of urgency, his plane leaves in two hours. It would take more than a rush for he and Genailia to get packed and out to the airport just in time to make the flight.

While we celebrate the; federal government and President Joseph Biden's; declaration of Juneteenth as a national holiday, we must not lose sight of the ongoing work of true liberation still happening to get Black people equal access to the ballot, protection from murderous law enforcement, affordable reproductive care, freedom from over policing and mass incarceration, and fair immigration policy, among so many other examples of systemic racism that plague our communities.

Don't know about Juneteenth? Read up on it folks, ask someone if they knew about this unmentioned Black Holiday. There's more to institutionalized, standardized American culture than meets the eye; get a bit closer to realizing America's promises to enslaved Africans and their descendants.

Meanwhile, the adventure of "Fairmount continues. Captain Samuel Willis, Ranger Gerald Glenn, and team have faced the number one killer in the City of Philadelphia has brought them unwanted noteriety in the wake of saving the city from a most dangerously horrible killing machine. What's harboring hatred for the team as the Ranger rushes back to Philadelphia in hopes of providing aid to his dear friend. His friend who has been seriously injured by gunfire...this plague upon mankind and civilization, Guns and Racism...in the highest order. At what end will these two professional law-men find peace in their lives, what do the racist fanatics have in store for them? Will they be able to overcome the forces that hunt them - threatening their lives and the lives of the ones they hold near and dear?

Follow the "Chronicles of Fairmount," Terror in the Park and The Willis Samuel Investigations.

Til Next Time...



George Perry Floyd Jr. (October 14, 1973 – May 25, 2020) was an African American man murdered by a police officer during an arrest after a store clerk suspected he may have used a counterfeit $20 bill in Minneapolis.

Fairmount - “SHAMAN”...Fairmount Showing 1-3 of 3
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Oct 25, 2013 · “SHAMAN” By Gregory V. Boulware /* The medicine men and priests among the Indians were usually merely those men who thought more deeply and strenuously than the average men in the tribe. These thinkers tended to live among the more successful tribes. To think, one needed at least some time free from the chore of procuring food.
“SHAMAN” | BoulwareEnterprises_"The World In Words"
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The Northern Delaware Lynching of 1903
Delmar Historical And Art Society
The society will bring together those people interested in history and art in the Delmar area Our Email address is delmarhas@yahoo.com
Sunday, June 7, 2015
The Northern Delaware Lynching of 1903

Irna Landrum, Daily Kos
Re: For Juneteenth Support Black-led organizations working toward liberation:
Daily Kos

Mostly Latino high school basketball team taunted by audience throwing tortillas at players
Aysha Qamar
Daily Kos Staff
Aysha Qamar
Wednesday, Jun 23, 2021 · 5:44:51 PM EDT ·
The San Diego Union-Tribune reported.

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Posted By: Gregory V. Boulware, Esq.
Thursday, June 24th 2021 at 11:14PM
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