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~ "A Day of Service, Everyday!" ~ (4897 hits)


On This, Our Day of Service In The Spirit of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

“A proud and strong people graced the shoreline with their arrived, and despite efforts to shackle their dreams, the human spirit would not be contained. They refused limitations and replaced them with genius. For what they had to offer was a treasure that knew no bounds. And that treasure was to touch every walk of life. They helped settle the West; They invented America’s original music. Through simple acts of courage they stood up for all human dignity. And they’ve cultivated leaders for the next millennium. America’s greatness is its diversity of people.”

"A Day of Service, Everyday!"
Boulware; Service to A City, Father and Son
Gregory V. Boulware, Esq., 'The Elder'

Dr. King’s recommendation is that “we all must have the basic principle of determination to achieve excellence in your various fields of endeavor. Dr. King also recommended that “in our lives,’ a blueprint is that each of us needs a deep belief in your own dignity, your own worth and your own somebodiness. A blueprint “serves as the guide to those who are to build the building [and that] a building is not well erected without a good, sound and solid blueprint. Everyone should be judged by the content of their character, not the color of their skin!”

We encourage all of you, especially our young; to continue this journey through America, while continuing on together as one people; adding to its treasure of human spirit!


"You Must Account For The Way In Which You Spend Your Youth!"
Just as truly as parents need to remember that children are only lent from 'God/Yah,' so young people need to remember that youth, that priceless, irreplaceable gift, is only given conditionally, and must be accounted for. Young folks often say, "I want to live my life my own way!" But the Bible says, "Rejoice, O Young Man/Woman, in thy youth; and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth; and walk in the ways of thine heart, and in the sight of thine eyes; but know thou, that for all these things God/Yah/Jehovah/Allah/Buddah...will bring thee into judgement!"
(Ecclesiastes 11:9)

"Whatever You Sow, You Will Have To Reap Some Day!"

"BOULWARE was a French locational name meaning 'one who came from 'BOULOIS' (birch-tree) the dweller near where Birch Trees grew; or near the weir or dam where bullocks were kept."

…the position or function of a leader, a person who guides or directs a group; ability to lead; an act or instance of leading; guidance; direction; the leaders of a group:

…claim to respect and praise; excellence; worth; to be worthy of; deserve.
dignity, talent, integrity, value, benefit, excellence, virtue, stature, quality, worthiness, deserve, warrant, justify, arete, caliber, desert, worth, credit, good, asset!

Two Boulware's Currently Serve The Community of and within 'The City of Philadelphia, PA!'

The Son:
"AFSCME;" Business Agent' for Local #394 of Philadelphia's Water Department!"
Greg. S. Boulware has been your (former) 'Treasurer' for the last four (4) years while working out of the SW Plant! He's been your Shop Stewart for thirteen (13) years at the NE Plant for thirteen (13) years! His work/track record has proven to be above and beyond exemplary! You can rest assured that he'll do a fine job in representing Us All!

The Father:
Gregory V. Boulware, most recent member to 'The Office of The Managing Director as Assistant Managing Director, Mayor's Commission On Aging / Senior Community Service Employment Program - MOCA / SCSEP; in the service of our senior community, at large.

“You may be an ambassador to England or France, You may like to gamble, you might like to dance, You may be the heavyweight champion of the world, You may be a socialite with a long string of pearls; But you’re gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed, you’re gonna have to serve somebody. Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord, But you’re gonna have to serve somebody!”
~ Bob Dylan ~

~"The Unretirement Rate of Retirees In America"~
More elderly people; seniors; have returned to work after retirement, with a steady uptick happening over the last few months!"

~"That I Am"~

“Leadership”…Factoring Quality & Merit
‘BOULOIS‘ (birch-tree)
“Vigilanter – Watchfully.”
This surname of BOULWARE was a French locational name meaning ‘one who came from ‘BOULOIS‘ (birch-tree) the dweller near where Birch Trees grew; or near the weir or dam where bullocks were kept.
" Coat of Arms "


#BOULOIS #MLK #MartinLutherKingJr #MLKDayofService #Seniorcorp #Americorp #Boulware #SeniorCenters #MCOA #SCSEP #OlderAdults #NBCNews #NBCNewsDigital #Service #Philadelphia #Pathfinder #NAACP #AFSCME #BoulwareBooks #DianeNash #RepJohnLewis #DrKing #SNCC #SCLC #NAACP #COAR #TheRevAl #MichaelCoardX #JoyReid #AmJoy #BlackToLive #NAN #RepJohnLewis #DrKing #NationalActionNetwork #IndependentBlackMedia #WalterPLomaxJr #WHYY #TalkRadio #BlackTalkRadio #Ghandi #NelsonMandela #Philosophy #Yahshua #Yahushua #Hebrew #TheSeedOfMan #Falasha #Igbo #Bantu #AfricanDiaspora #Juneteenth #Judah #Truth #The3rdEye #Africa #ShabbatShalom #AsSalaamAlaikum #Islam #Judaism #Yahweh #Muslim #Elohim #Noah #Ashkenazi #Abramevits #Genesis #Hametic #Hamite #Academia #TheTenCommandments #Josephus #Philo #TheMidrash #TheHolyScriptures #Pilgramage #TheOldTestament #TheNewTestament #TheHolyBible #TheTorah #TheHolyQuran #Cush #Kush #Christ #Jahushua #Shem #Ham #Japheth #BlackPanther #Confucious #Taharqua #Hebrews #Kenya #Zimbabwe #Ethiopia #Senegal #Uganda #TheSaqqaraBird #ThePromisedLand #PrinceOfEgypt #PilarOfFire #RingOfFire #Levites #Isaah #Eusebius #Jethro #Joshua #Ishmael #ArchitectsOfChange #Pharaoh #Polymath #Erudite

Posted By: Gregory V. Boulware, Esq.
Monday, January 17th 2022 at 12:33PM
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Congratulations on your 1850th Mention!
The name “G. Boulware” was mentioned in .
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#Education #GISMABusinessSchool #HBCU #CCPedu #BereanInstituteedu #Philosophy #Berean #BlackHistory #History #HerStory #TheStoryOfUs #WordPress #BlackHistoryMonth #Boulware #BoulwareBooks #Academia #UncleBobbiesCoffeandBooks #PeopleOfColorAroundTheWorld #Hallow #HallowII #Fairmount #AI #Robots #LinkedIn #PhilaBear #BereanInstitute #IndependentBlackMedia #Juneteenth #GTown #ArchitectsOfChange #Anthology #Tumblr #FaceBook #Twitter #Templeedu #Cheyneyedu #Lincolnedu #Amazon #EzineAuthors


Tuesday, January 31st 2023 at 8:46PM
Gregory V. Boulware, Esq.

Demanding Reparations Because A Slavery Name Is No Longer Honored Is Beyond The Pale
#ArchitectsOfChange #HBCU #CCPedu #BereanInstituteedu #LegalComplianceResource #Berean #Templeedu #Cheyneyedu #Lincolnedu #PennStateedu #Gramblingedu #Clemsonedu #Lesleyedu #Legal #GISMABusinessSchool #BlackHistory #History #HerStory #TheStoryOfUs #PeopleOfColorAroundTheWorld #BlackHistoryMonths #FreedomRides #SNCC #SCLC #NAACP #COAR #TheRevAl #MichaelCoardX #JoyReid #AmJoy #BlackToLive #NAN #RepJohnLewis #DrKing #NationalActionNetwork #IndependentBlackMedia #WalterPLomaxJr #WHYY #TalkRadio #BlackTalkRadio


Tuesday, January 31st 2023 at 9:05PM
Gregory V. Boulware, Esq.

"The name “G. Boulware”
was mentioned in 18 papers uploaded to Academia, including one that was written by Muhammad Sami, one that was written by Luis Crispino, Vicki Gaylord, Efrain Rojas; in a PDF uploaded to Academia, an Engineering paper, a Databases paper, a Psychology paper recently discovered by Academia, someone interested in English Literature, and one in a History paper recently discovered by Academia!"
#Education #GISMABusinessSchool #HBCU #CCPedu #BereanInstituteedu #Philosophy #Berean #BlackHistory #History #HerStory #TheStoryOfUs #WordPress #BlackHistoryMonth #Boulware #BoulwareBooks #Academia #UncleBobbiesCoffeandBooks #PeopleOfColorAroundTheWorld #Hallow #HallowII #Fairmount #AI #Robots #LinkedIn #PhilaBear #BereanInstitute #IndependentBlackMedia #Juneteenth #GTown #ArchitectsOfChange #Anthology #Tumblr #FaceBook #Twitter #Templeedu #Cheyneyedu #Lincolnedu #Amazon #EzineAuthors #Yahushua #Hebrew #TheSeedOfMan #Falasha #Igbo #Hashem #Maat #Elohim #Jehovah #Judah #Quidah #ArtificialIntelligence #Software #DataSource #DataBase #ComputerWorld #Oracle #WebSiteMagazine #Wired #Networks #Networking #DataMiner #Dataminning #TheOneThingIknowIs #Nibbies #Algorithm #Syntax #IoT #RDBMS #SEO #CRM #CPU #SMO #SMM #iOS #MIS #IT #BI #ISDN #SOHO


Tuesday, January 31st 2023 at 9:07PM
Gregory V. Boulware, Esq.
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