Have you noticed how rude people have gotten lately? No one has respect for the next person anymore. You can be driving on the highway going a certain speed; someone driving closely behind. When out of nowhere a car cuts you off, you catch their eyes in the rear-view mirror and they give you the meanest glare. Now they are starting to get your blood boiling all because they were wrong and could not be big enough to admit it. They could have mouthed a sorry or simply just waived their hands. But no that was too much to ask. Fingers get waived in the air, words yelled out the window, possibly shots being fired; all because someone was rude. Rudeness leads to foolishness. We need to change.
In a time where people have no respect for life, where a lot of our young people simply don't care if they make it to see thirty or even twenty-five for that matter. We as parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, caregivers are failing our kids. We are letting our young people down. Some of our young people can sense that we really don't care about them, so they feel why should care for themselves. I can remember to a time and I'm sure you can remember too; when people in the neighborhood cared about people in the neighborhood. We were one in our communities, not this multiple bunch of cliques, gangs, blocks or whatever you want to call them. We've become cowards to our people, this generation has basically punked out.
We've fought slavery, racism, segregation and come out victorious. But now are scared of our very own young people. Yes drugs might have been brought into our communities, but we are the ones that let the drugs run and destroy them. Our young people of today are just picking up where we left off, and my generation picked up where the generation before us left off.
We have strength in our blood, pride and honor and faith runs through our veins. We have the hearts of warriors, the inherited souls of kings and queens; yet we dwell upon this earth as zombies; brainless searching for someone not qualified to guide us.
When will we accept our problems for what they really are, our problems. We blame the government for us not having enough money in the bank. Did President Bush tell you to spend your tax refund check at the mall, the club, or to get that new car. No of course not. You decided that, you had the impulse and you acted on it. Instead of putting the money away in a savings account, you hurried to share your refund check with Macy's, Nordstroms and some jewelry store. You cannot blame anyone else but yourself for your spending habits. We need to change.
Until we can learn to accept the fact that we are the cause for a lot of our problems; we can never progress. We can never go from a separated people to a united people until we recognize and deal with our issues. It's like what Albert Einstein said,"The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them."
"Remember God first and the world last."
Posted By: Bryan Patton
Wednesday, September 17th 2008 at 6:33PM
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