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Something to think about... (1109 hits)

Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror, and just gazed at the image you saw? What were your thoughts, what were your actions? Did you happen to feel as if the image you saw at that moment was not the image you were most proud of? Now take that into consideration and think about your relationship with God. Do you feel, (be honsest) that the life you are living; (your actions, your feelings toward other people, your words), God is totally pleased with? Do you see any possible places where a change(big or small) would be welcomed? Let me remind you that God knows that none of us are perfect in anyway, (that's why he sent his son to die on the cross) so be honest with yourself. Me, while I am writing this piece, I know that there are some things in my life that I can change, I realize that there are some things that I can make better. When I write I am also talking to myself. I am in no way possible perfect, so anything I can tell you to hear, I should also listen to. So many of us try to change our significant others, (spouses, boyfriends or girlfriends), we place so much emphasis on this action that we tend to forget ourselves. We look at our(let's call them other halves just to shorten for publishing purposes), we look at our other halves as if we are examining lab rats. We look at every aspect of their lives(from their past, even up to their future, and we try to decide what in their lives need to be changed for our sake. But what if for once, we took the microscope off our other halves and placed it on ourselves. Stop trying to change someone, when in fact we are the ones that need changing. Look at yourself in a new mirror, in a new manner, and begin to love yourself as God intends.

Remember God first, and the world last...
Posted By: Bryan Patton
Sunday, September 21st 2008 at 3:38AM
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