Do you realize how special you really are? Do you realize that you have been chosen to be a special and gifted person? Most of us have not awaken to the fact that inside of us is something that is so great and powerful, that if we allowed it to flourish and come to the surface the Lord only knows where it can lead us. But unfortunately, so many of us; we tend to hold ourselves back from the greatness, that is before us.
We allow ourselves to become our worst critics in which we tend to belittle ourselves. Now I am all with us being critics of ourselves, but you see we must not do it to a point, where we are choking the life out of our God-given talents. I am a writer, I have a book that is available now, but for some reason I am not a big fan of it. Don't get me wrong, the book is a good read, but I always feel that I can do better, so I continue to write. I have not let the critiques of myself hinder my writing. I will continue to write for as long as God allows me to. I will most likely never enjoy anything that I write, but that will not stop me from using my God-given gift to bless others.
One reason why people could possibly not show respect towards their gifts is that they are probably confusing them with their talents. You are reading this and are probably thinking, well what's the difference between a gift and a talent? Well let me explain it this way; I am a god basketball player, but being good in basketball doesn't mean it's a God-given gift. Yes God blessed me to be able to play, but it's not a gift; it's a talent. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary; a talent is a natural ability that needs to be developed. While a gift implies special favor by God. Playing basketball is a talent that I worked on over the years and now I can say that I am a good basketball player. But my gift; my God-given gift is writing.
God has been a blessing to me, and I feel that God has given me the gift of writing so that I can help bless others. When I write, I want everyone to know that God writes with me. When God has blessed you with the gift to sing; he sings with you. When God has blessed you with the gift to teach; he teaches with you. Likewise when God blesses you with the gift to speak, you can bet that he speaks with you.
It is time that we start to respect these gifts that God has given us. Who are we to deny something that God himself has ordained to us? Anybody can sing in a church choir, but when God blesses you with a gift to sing; the sky is the limit for who you can reach. Appreciate the gift that God has given you. Use the gift to bless others and in turn God will bless you.
After reading this, some might question; well if that's true then what is my gift? And I will answer, look inside of yourself, search; see where God has used you or has been trying to use you the most. It can be the gift of giving, the gift of caring; it could be almost anything. Find it and use it to please God. Use your gift, in the way that would be pleasing to God. Know that your gift is your God-given gift, not anyone else's. Use the gift, do not abuse it. For if you don't respect your gift, then you are denying your gift. And if you can't respect it, then who will? I pray that you will allow God to work in and through your life. He's beginning to work through mine. Love yourself, love your gift, cherish it; and I promise that God will be pleased in the end.
Let us pray...
Our father, we come to you right now, asking for a deeper understanding into the gift that you have bestowed upon us. We come seeking guidance on the way that we are reach those that have yet to come to you. We recognize you working in our lives so that we can be good stewards of your word. Lord we just ask that you walk with us every step of the way. We want to please you Lord, we want to give you honor and praise. Your name will forever be in our mouths. Please guide us. Order our every step. This and all we are, we ask you to bless. In Jesus' name we do pray! Amen and Amen
Posted By: Bryan Patton
Monday, September 22nd 2008 at 1:47AM
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