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"Wave It Away" (1192 hits)

John P. Kee wrote this song some years ago entitled, "Wave it Away". The first verse starts as follows; I'm not worried about tomorrow, nor the trials it may bring. For by faith I am the victor I can conquer anything. I cast my cares at your feet, and Lord you comfort me; and by faith I pray that you wave your troubles away." Let me start out by saying this song here is my favorite gospel song of all time. Just saying the words to myself has gotten me through a whole lot of trials and tribulations. So John if you ever get the chance to read this blog, "Thank You from the bottom of my heart, you probably will never know what this song means to me, but thank you anyway." Now on to our discussion.

Let me start out by saying that we worry about things we have no business worrying about. Then secondly if we really think; what in our lives is there really to worry about? If we worry about our electric bill; will that bill get paid? I think not. If we worry about our mortgages or our car notes; will those bills get paid? I think not. So if we realize that worrying never gets our bills paid, if we realize that worrying never gets our problems solved, then why are we worrying? In the bible Matthew chapter six: the Lord is telling us not to worry. We've read these passages of scripture many of times, yet we still find something in our lives to worry about. And when we worry, it's always about the smallest things.

The next time you find yourself worrying about something; get down on your knees(if able) and bow your head and close your eyes. At that exact moment, I want you to give up your problems and your cares to God. Tell God your problems, talk to him about your worries and fears. After all God is your father. Do not be afraid to talk to God about anything you might have going on in your life. God made us a promise in his word; that he would never leave us nor forsake us. If we are going through some trials in our life; God is promising us that he will be there; so why then do we worry? When something trying comes up, why is the bible not the first book we pick up? Why isn't God the first one we call on? Stop running to your mother, stop running to your father, and even stop running to your Pastor; make God the first one you run to. Your pastor can only help you so much, your mother and father can only help you so much, but God; God can totally bring you out of your situation. I mean try God, and see where he takes you. I did; and that is the reason I am able to write to you today.

There were times in my life when I felt I could take no more. I've been broke, unemployed and could not see a way out of my storm. I mean everywhere I turned it was as if people knew my situation and were just constantly poking at me. For the life of me, I could not understand it. I had tried so hard to be right, to live right, and things would still happen to me. I began to allow worry to creep into my life and every time I turned around I was worried about something. You see when you allow worry to creep into your life, you slowly allow it to control your life. Then once worry settles, it starts to affect every part of you. And we really are not aware of the effect that being worried is having on our well-being.

Every time you find yourself worrying about something, whenever you find yourself stressing about something; take a look at where you are in life. Begin to examine yourself, examine your emotions and your reactions to those emotions. At times we get a little stressed out when we allow ourselves to worry so much. Health problems begin to arise, and we wonder constantly about their beginnings. A lot of stress and health problems come from us placing so much worry and care into situations that we have no business worrying about in the first place. Try giving all your worries and cares to God just once, and remember when you give it up to God, leave the problems with him. Do not take your problems away from that conversation you just had with God. God promises to take all your cares and worries so that we can go on with our lives. Believe in the power of God, do not neglect it.

In closing; I know from personal experience that sometimes issues may arise, and at first view, there is no light at the end of the tunnel. But let me tell you what; I tried God, I called on Jesus' name. I placed my worries and my cares at the feet of the almighty, and when I arose I felt anew. God had taken those heavy weights from around my shoulders, and he allowed me to walk away without them. I know if he did it for me, I believe he can do the same for you. Proverbs chapter three verses five through six states: 5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your paths.

Read Matthew 6:25-34 and remember whenever worry begins to settle in, go to God and let him "wave it away"

Remember God first and the world last.
Posted By: Bryan Patton
Thursday, October 9th 2008 at 1:22AM
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