This is a request for your vote! I write to everyone today, requesting your votes on the most important election of your lives. I see your struggles, I see your frustrations and the trials that you are facing on a daily basis. I hear on a daily basis of how many of you do not have the funds necessary to live in a country where the price of needed items rise, and your income decreases. I know that many of you cry when you are alone, because you are uncertain of what new problems the next day holds for you. I can tell you are hurt, because you feel that sometimes you are alone in dealing with these issues. But I am here to tell you; you are not alone. I have been there before, I might not be there now; but believe me I was there. I know what it feels like to have people turn their backs on you, when you are at a point when you really need them. I know what it feels like to have your needs outweigh your haves. I have cried just like you have cried. I cry with you right now, as some of you contemplate your next steps. I promise, if you vote for me, your voice will not go ignored. I promise that my office hours will always be open 24-7. I promise no dissapointment, but hope; hope that change will come. I promise changes in your financial situations, I promise changes in your families, I promise changes in the way you view your life. You worry about health care, vote for me, and you will not have to worry about it anymore. You worry about employment, well vote for me; and I promise you will not have to worry about it again. Vote for me, and you give me the power to create more jobs, a vote for me; will create a better economy. A vote for me; means a better life for you, your children, and your childrens children.
Now about my opponent, he wants to create me as a leader who really does not care for the people. He wants to stir up emotions inside of you that will make me sound like a power hungry monster. When all the time, he is truly the monster. My opponant will use lies, he will use deception, he will use your greed; in order to get your vote. And once he wins, the life you know now; will look like paradise. Your trials and tribulations will increase with a vote for my opponent. If you vote for my opponent, hope for a better future will go out the window along with your jobs, your family, and your finances. Do not do this to yourself, do not do this to your children. You all deserve better than what my opponent is offering you. Do not be blinded by hollow promises, do not be fooled by empty words. You know my opponents track record, you know that every promise he has ever made; has failed to come true. And then on the flip side; you know my track record. I have come through all the time. I hear your wants, and I see your needs. What I promise, no one else can offer. A vote for me, is truly a life guaranteed.
Posted By: Bryan Patton
Wednesday, October 22nd 2008 at 5:23PM
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